Wednesday, April 25, 2012

P1. Television

I usually watch a couple hours of television a night.  Usually from the time I get home, which varies from 5 to 6 each night.  I'll watch for an hour do some homework, eat some dinner, and then go back to the television or play some Xbox.   Play some MLB on box preferably, or once in a while play some Madden in my online franchise.  But, when I do decide to watch TV I have at least one show that is on per day.  Sunday used to have The Walking Dead on, but now that season has ended.  It also has Desperate Housewives which hasn't been on in a couple weeks for some reason.  Mondays, and majority of Tuesdays are comedy days.  How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men, New Girl, and Cougar Town are all half hour shows that are on these two days.  I always find myself laughing hysterically most of the time watching all these shows, and they are very entertaining.  New Girl is probably my most favorite of these, and is also the newest, which could be the reason for it to be my favorite.  Tuesday now recently has also moved Private Practice over to this day from Thursday.  Thursday Night features Grey's Anatomy, The Office, and once in a while Rules of Engagement.  Although The Office is on my list, I don't really watch it that often for some reason.  Ever Since Michael left the show I haven't had as much of an interest as I usually would.  When I'm not watching these shows though it is usually sports all the time, once in a while some movies but mostly sports.  We have 4 working televisions in my house, one in the living room, the kitchen, my parents’ bedroom, and the basement.  There is also one in my room but that only has the ability to play Xbox on.  Television is a great thing as long as you don't get too much of it, and hopefully most kids don't so they can stay healthy.

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