Friday, March 30, 2012

N3. My Future

I do not really have an official job as to date, but for the past few years I have done some recreational work.  I have refereed, and umpired recreation soccer, basketball, and baseball.  I think this upcoming year will be my third or fourth year.  My 16th birthday was this past January and so when your 16 that's usually the time for you to get a job.  You start to drive and stuff and you basically start to become more mature and start to do things on your own.  So I decided to apply for a job.  I applied at the Alden Pharmacy in town.  I applied here because this is where my Mom worked when she was younger, and I know the boss a little bit, he's the father of Andy Smith, the Varsity Basketball and JV Baseball Coach, who I'm good friends with.  And last night I received a voicemail while I was at training and it was the Pharmacy looking to see if I was still interested in working there, hopefully I will be able to get an interview and eventually a job that I will have to fit in my busy schedule.  When I'm older though I kind of know what I would like to do.  I really want to go to a Division 1 school even if it isn't for sports.  I just would like to go for the amazing atmospheres in all the sports stadiums and I feel as though it would be a phenomenal experience and would prepare me for the future, a good and exciting future.  I cannot wait till I am older so I can do different things and have fun while being serious in what I am going to do.  Hopefully I am going to be a successful person and be happy with myself.

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