Friday, September 30, 2011


Over the summer, in July, my Facebook wall was blown up with posts from over 80 people telling me to stop... that’s more than the amount of birthday wishes I received.  Why? You might ask?  Well, no one really knows why.  The three masterminds behind this, Matt Schaefer, Dan Rehac, and Matt Shields.  It all started last school year in gym class; these three people were in my class.  And out of nowhere they just started telling people to stop.  Of course, I for a reason we do not know had the target on back for being told to stop 24/7.  It became so popular to tell me to stop that Schaefer decided to make a very popular Facebook event, the "Tell Hopcia to Stop Day."  I appreciated all of the people who love me enough to tell me to stop.  This event was so big there are people who added me on this day just to tell me to stop.  Everyone was so excited for this day to come.  I'm sure that there are people in this class who did tell me to stop or still do today.  It has gotten so out of control, we still do it today.  It has almost been 6 months since this day of telling people to stop in Miss Wieand's gym class has started and every time I see the Matts or Dan we all tell each other to stop.  One time I got an anonymous letter that was stuck in my locker that told me stop in a very long letter.  I bet that this will continue to go on for a long, long time, maybe by the time I graduate people telling me to stop will end, hopefully.  Overall, when I look back at being told to stop, it's funny and something I will never forget, ever.

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